Laboratories at Politecnico (Leonardo, Bovisa e Como)
The research laboratories at Politecnico di Milano hosting INFN experiments are located in different departments:
Dip. di Fisica, Dip. Di Matematica, Dip. di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Dip. di Energia, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Aerospaziali.
The laboratories are spread over the different locations of Politecnico di Milano in the Leonardo Campus, Bovisa Campus and Como Campus.
Several research lines are active from the design of innovative semiconductor radiation detectors - both silicon and compound semiconductors - and low noise frontend electronics to the development of full detection systems for diverse application fields.
Among the relevant developments we can mention:
- gamma ray imaging systems featuring high spatial resolution with their applications in nuclear medicine and nuclear physics.
- X-ray imaging and spectroscopy systems for material analysis, synchrotron light based experiments, Free Electron Lasers, X-ray astronomy.
- room temperature detection systems based on compound semiconductors.
- innovative high resolution detection systems for particle identification in nuclear physics experiments.
Laboratorio Uninsubria COMO
The Department of Science and High Technology at Università dell’Insubria in Como hosts the activities of the team lead by Massimo Caccia, professor. The team develops instruments and methods based on the use of Silicon detectors of ionizing particles and light.
Since a decade, the core activities have been based on the use of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM), single photon sensitive devices with photon number resolving capability, low bias supply, robustness, low cost, magnetic field immunity, extreme time resolution and, last but not least, design flexibility connected to the Silicon technology.
The team ci collaborating with the major sensor producers and it has been involved in a number of projects, in collaboration with research teams and industry. Among them, it is worth mentioning:
RAPSODI, a project supported by the European Commissione within the VI Framework program. RAPSODI addressed the use of SiPM in homeland security, medical dosimetry and radon detection.
MODES-SNM, a project supported by the European Commissione within the VII Framework program. MODES targeted the development of a detector suite for homeland security, based on scintillation light by high pressure noble gases
The collaborative projects with AWE (the Atomic Weapons Establishment) and KROMEK, a British public company) on the characterization of novel scintillators for neutron detection and neurton/gamma discrimination
- A series of developments with British and German companies in the medical domain.
- A joint development Laboratory established with CAEN s.p.a., a leading Italian company in the nuclear electronics market
- The design and construction of Dual Readout Calorimeter module, supported by Texas Tech and INFN.